There’s also the matter of the appearance of the Grid and its inhabitants. Likewise, Flynn Senior waxes ecstatic about a new kind of being that emerged within the Grid, but we are never shown why this is cosmically important (as Flynn insists it is). Much is made of whether the original Tron character is still alive, but the answer turns out to almost not matter. There are also a lot of narrative false starts. They attempt to press a lot of buttons on the father/son emotional front, but apart from Bridges’ laid-back, friendly demeanor, there’s nothing specific enough for us to be moved. TRON: LEGACY seems so wholly taken with its environment that writers Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz, working from the story they crafted with Brian Klugman & Lee Sterndahl, don’t even try to add anything to the mix. Sam searches for his father, while a number of hostile entities, one of them very familiar-looking, try to capture and/or destroy him.Īside from the particulars, the basic premise describes any number of action/adventure/fantasy stories, both good and bad. Sam isn’t totally shocked, as he’s heard about this digital parallel universe from his father, but despite the fact that the benevolent elder Flynn clearly vanished into this realm, it has returned to being a very unfriendly place.

Sam goes to the dusty old business, goes onto the computer – and a device comes up behind him, zapping him into the world of the Grid. Then Kevin’s old friend Alan Bradley (Bruce Boxleitner) tells Sam he’s received a page (shades of retro gizmos!) from Kevin’s old office at the shuttered arcade (Kevin’s business before becoming a technocrat). Twenty years later, Sam (now played by Garrett Hedlund) has become a hacker and physical daredevil, whose principal joy in life seems to be harassing Encom, the tech firm founded by the elder Flynn, where Sam is still chief shareholder. Kevin goes out for the night – and is never seen again. We meet Sam Flynn as an adorable little boy, whose adoring father Kevin (Jeff Bridges) promises his son that he’ll show him the fabled Grid.

One can’t really fault TRON: LEGACY for this last, as it’s hardly betraying the first film by maintaining its aura of vaguely benevolent generalized babble. Will TRON: LEGACY have the same issue as its predecessor when it comes to thin characterizations and talk about changing the world so grand, broad and vague that it could mean practically anything? Yes, it will. Will the light cycles of the first film have been updated to be more exciting and dynamic? Yes, they will. Will we see an alternate universe where anthropomorphic computer programs are rendered primarily in shades of black, white and gray? We will. Actually, what we’re in for is a surprisingly faithful follow-up to the original 1982 TRON. This suggests that we’re in for a film of mild subversion that makes what we’ll see just that more wonderful. TRON: LEGACY opens with a very cool, TRON-ized rendition of the traditional Walt Disney Pictures logo, with the fairytale castle rendered in black, white and silver. Writers: Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz, story by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz and Brian Klugman & Lee Sterndahl, based on characters created by Steven Lisberger and Bonnie MacBird

Stars: Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hudlund, Olivia Wilde, Bruce Boxleitner, James Frain, Beau Garrett, Michael Sheen