The last time I felt this way, it was when I started rediscovering old Batman stories and realising just how advanced the writing in DC comics were compared to my beloved Marvel ones. Watching the film, I can see why they purchased the collection – it’s rife with the abstract aesthetic sensibilities of Fantasia, as richly animated as The Lion King and wielding an impressively mature, poignant and unpredictable edge to its story unlike any Disney film addressing the same audience. I got to it at the behest of my anime-crazy wife, and on a disc imprinted with Studio Ghibli’s new parent, Walt Disney. There’s a long list of movies from years past that I’m waiting to watch, and Spirited Away isn’t on it. I may not have agreed with the nitty-gritty writing aspects of the Rurouni Kenshin trilogy, but I will never deny that they’re all highly enjoyable ways to spend your time and money. What cannot be disputed though is the standard of action scenes – breathtaking fight choreography was only enhanced by fluid, single-take and obviously well-rehearsed camera movements. It may be because I wasn’t a fan of the anime, but I was satisfied with the way the director dealt with pacing I know plenty of fans were disappointed with things that were glossed over or adapted, but from a non-invested point of view it all worked. If there’s just one thing I took away from this movie, it’s that the police force here is probably the worst police force I’ve ever seen in a movie. I would never call this one of the best movies of the year, but it was a pretty damn solid effort anyway. The story was compelling, the battle sequences taking reference from the best of LotR and GoT, the music adequate.

#Rurouni kenshin kyoto inferno soundtrack list movie
More an action movie than anything else, Dracula Untold has benefited from some pretty strong casting decisions – Luke Evans relishing his chance to finally take the lead in a big movie and Charles Dance channeling the menace of Tywin Lannister into a much more sinister fiend are enough to carry the movie – everyone else just needed to not fuck up. Dracula Untold, with a name that immediately suggests the former, is delightfully in the latter. It’s interesting how vampire movies in the past used to be all about campy vampires with creepy eyes lingering in the darkness, but the concept nowadays has gotten entrenched enough in mainstream consciousness that it can be used as a framework to tell more kinds of stories with.